School is starting once again at Willamette U, so our summer of being one of the few people walking around the campus is over. Today, there were parents and kids stopping me, saying "oh I miss my dog already", etc. etc., wanting to PET me..but, hey, I don't know them and obviously, they don't have cookies in their pockets. (Mom: Kennedy you are not being very nice or polite!)...
Anyway, the BIG function is tomorrow, where all the professors have on their black robes (now they know why I swim in the creek!) and the big luncheon. Last year, we accidently got into the procession of "black robes"...I had gone swimming in the creek, and they were lined up on the bridge, and so I just forged ahead ...then the procession got moving and there we were, right in the middle! Mom called the assistant to the President to apologize, but she said as soon as she heard about it, she saw it was Kennedy and so it was okay. they WANT us tomorrow? (, Kennedy, we will make sure we are there and gone before 10:30!!) Fortunately, they posted the entire day events for us!