Friday, December 26, 2008

More to tell

I need to add more to our story of Winter Wonderland. 

The best part of the whole event was my Auntie A came and picked us up and rescued us!!  We were so overjoyed.  Mom and Auntie A were wondering how to get me into her car, when I made a flying leap into the trunk!  I stunned them with my agility to do so.  We got through all the down trees and icy conditions on River Road...we were SHOCKED at the conditions our Auntie A drove through to rescue us.

Her home was decorated for Christmas, was warm and plenty of food and drink.  I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  We had fun playing with Charlie and then Auntie A and mom went downtown for a much needed outing.  She told me to "be on extra good behavior" and I was..I never woke her up in the middle of the night for anything!  I just laid and was a good boy.  We both had a much needed good sleep that night.  The next day we had waffles and went out and played in the snow. 

A thank you is not enough for what our Auntie A did for us!  We love her so much.  A very special angel she was to rescue us and save my mom's sanity!

Winter and Christmas

Merry Christmas to all...and a good night to Mister Snow!  

While we seem to have been holed up at home this past week, we were able to venture out for a few fun outings.

There were a few days of going nowhere...except up to the road to check the ice conditions (which seemed like SHE was doing that about every 2 hours!)...we lost electricity for 24 hours or so which seemed awful, as ice and branches fell.   Mom then decided to make a run for it into Salem. She packed up all my food and gear and tried to load me into the car.  I did not want to go.. I knew it was worst out there further into Salem.  Finally, she pushed me into the car and there was no stopping her.  We made it past some down trees and River Road was closed at Halls Ferry ...well, I tried to tell her!   She was complimentary towards me, and says from now on she will trust me and MY instincts!!!   

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sibling Party

Friday afternoon mom and I went to Portland and around 6:00 p.m....all my aunties and uncles showed up!  What fun they had...there was cheese fondue and wine and then they all left me at the apartment and went somewhere for about 2-3 hours!

Upon returning, there was a delicious (0r so it looked) pear & apple tart Aunt Janet had made with homemade eggnog ice cream.  Then an exchange of gifts...and now we have a beautiful Christmas Angel, a handy, beautiful bag (which we used today on our walk), soap, photo cards, and a great dress for mom!  (some other things too!)....

Conversation was pretty lively...with Aunt Patty showing off some special ornament (I won't say) she was taking for Camden that the City of Portland or the restaurant GAVE her...(!!)...and then discussion turned to me giving a hamstring to Aunt Janet and she giving me one of her kidneys in exchange.  I know it sounds strange, but that's what I heard.  It was "O'Dark Thirty" when they all left and we tumbled into bed!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Was I excited on Saturday!!!  All THREE of my stockings were hung by the fireplace with care!
I even danced a little jig.....I don't think there is anything in them now...but I know they will be filled!  These stockings are from some of my favorite people....from the left...Auntie A, Michael & Kylie, and my first family the Kirbys.  

Due to my kidney disease...I know I cannot have my favorite cookies anymore..but I know they will be filled with homemade pumpkin biscuits, carrots and other new delectable treats!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Wave Walk

It is amazing how many people stop my mom at Target, the grocery store or other places to say, "how is your dog?" or "I see you walking your dog all over town".  Well, every day we take the same route, about 3 miles.  I call it my "cookie walk"; mom calls it "the wave walk".  We start from the office and when we reach the Arbor Cafe, the usual customers inside wave at us, then we walk past the two Starbucks, and more waves --- usually a group of retired men we see daily --; then we stop by Great Harvest for MY TREAT, past Shyrocks where we "wave" again to the two men who run it; then round the corner and I race down to Mary Lou Zeek's art gallery where I get a BIG BISCUIT and a HUGE BOWL OF WATER ; then down the street, pass the Arbor where we wave, then down to the corner to the Brick, where sometimes Joy is in the window changing the sign (I think my mom goes there for Martini Mondays!) and another wave there....then we cross to go to the Bank of Cascades, for another cookie treat (about once a week).  

We proceed next to Willamette University and then cross to the Capitol where we usually stop and talk to Bruce, the head gardener..and sometimes we see people at the Capitol mall we know.  Then it is back to the office.  Whew!!!   All of this is done in under an hour, unless we get caught up.  We "know" so many people...people we don't know by name, but just by face.  A lot inquire how am I doing, which is nice, or comment if I seem friskier one day or another!!  

I love my walk and all the people that I see every day!!!  

Monday, October 13, 2008

Reunion Highlights

The reunion was so much fun...and I found out about my parents and my littermates.  Will write more later but wanted to give a quick update!

There were 9 puppies in my litter.  7 boys and 2 girls.  4 of the boys went on to become actual Guide Dogs:  Kilroy, Kenwood, Kaber and Kemper.  The two girls, Kona and Kokie, were like me, career changed, as were my other 2 brothers Karloff and Kilmer.

There were 6 black and 3 yellow dogs.  My dad's -- who was black -- was named Nation and my mum who was yellow was named Bandi.  I look like my papa!!

Will write more later!!  

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Reunion update

All I can think about is this reunion....the Guide Dog page is updated now and shows my fellow guide dogs with their names and birthdates:

Still no littermates attending...oh well!!  Am hoping my first mom Linda makes it!  Zorba has a herniated disc -- the day after he visited me, he came down with this.  No, I did not play with him!

Anyway....counting the days.  I have lost 3 more trying to get in shape.  Many pictures of cuties posted...but my mom still thinks I am the most handsome one of all!

Monday, September 15, 2008

First Family visits!

My first family came to Salem and visited me Saturday!!  It was so much fun to see them.  We are going to go to the reunion together in October.  

We reminisced about "old times" and they said when Guide Dogs called them and I had been "rejected" due to allergies, they said they could not take me, since at that time they were training Zorba.  They really wanted me back, but could not.  Guide Dogs said... "well, Kennedy will be hard to place, since he is a big black male dog".   Well, lo and behold...two weeks past and there was my mom's application, asking for a BIG BLACK MALE!  We were made for each other!

They also said their other "puppy trainees" all received a "golden parachute" when the program was complete & they were adopted...but that I got the "platinum parachute" -- meaning that I got extremely lucky with my home and family -- and that includes all my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lucy and Me - 2 that understand GPS

Reading on Cousin Megan's blog...and she writes about Lucy who has an uncanny way of knowing where she is and sense of direction.  Considering her age, it is remarkable. is their blog site.

I think Lucy and I could be a great team.  I know EXACTLY how to find Starbucks, Great Harvest Company and Nordstrom Cafe.  We could just team up together in downtown Portland one day and just "go for it"...I think Lucy would enjoy the "pink cookies" as much as I do!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Kennedy!

Kennedy...I have loved you from the first time I saw you at Guide Dogs for the Blind.  You are the loving, patient, kind, fun to be with, and SMART!   You are the best dog a person could have..and I have been sooooo lucky and fortunate to have you in my life.  xxoo forever and ever!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Here's someone who was born on 9-9-98!!  One year older than me!  Almost got a sibling...he sorta looks like me..maybe he is a half sibling!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Reunion Information

I will finally learn the names of my siblings, as we will get a certificate of  my parents and siblings!  We all know they begin with a "K"!

The Guide Dogs for the Blind have set up this great website on the reunion, and I can find out if my littermates are far, there is only me listed there!  It is a great website..especially if you need a good dog name...Cadbury and Gucci especially appealed to me!

Above is the site...I am the one in the river...I thought it might hide my waistline!  

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guide Dog so excited!!

Guess what I received in the mail?? A "family reunion" invite for Sunday October 12 at the World Forestry Center from the Guide Dogs for the Blind.  It is open to everyone, including well behaved career changed dogs (that is me) and humans who love them (which is my mom and all of you!).    It starts at 10:00 a.m....we are so excited, we will probably be there at 9:00 a.m.!!!

I might finally meet some of my "blood" brothers and sisters!!
I can wear a sign that says 9/9/99 (my birthdate) and perhaps I will find them.   

So if anyone wants to go, let us know and we will get you a ticket.  I have to get ready, like make an appointment for a shampoo on Oct. 11 & perhaps lose about 10 lbs....isn't that what you do before a reunion???  

Plus, we can all go to the zoo and see the new elephant afterwards!!!  

They're back!

School is starting once again at Willamette U, so our summer of being one of the few people walking around the campus is over.  Today, there were parents and kids stopping me, saying "oh I miss my dog already", etc. etc., wanting to PET me..but, hey, I don't know them and obviously, they don't have cookies in their pockets.  (Mom: Kennedy you are not being very nice or polite!)...

Anyway, the BIG function is tomorrow, where all the professors have on their black robes (now they know why I swim in the creek!) and the big luncheon.  Last year, we accidently got into the procession of "black robes"...I had gone swimming in the creek, and they were lined up on the bridge, and so I just forged ahead ...then the procession got moving and there we were, right in the middle!  Mom called the assistant to the President to apologize, but she said as soon as she heard about it, she saw it was Kennedy and so it was okay. they WANT us tomorrow?  (, Kennedy, we will make sure we are there and gone before 10:30!!)  Fortunately, they posted the entire day events for us!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Here's the pictures from the Capitol and my new friends

Hot Hot Hot

It was sooooo hot on Friday, I walked over to the Capitol Mall, and for the FIRST time, went into the fountain spray at the Capitol.  I was ambushed by the kids there, they all came up and started petted me.  I had to leave, as one of them sat on a geyser and started "shooting" everyone with water.  Reminded me of Uncles Jim & Mike!

Friday, August 8, 2008

All clean and pretty

Mom went on vacation, leaving me at Camp Pearsoll, where we go on five mile walks!!  And I even got a bath.  People have been complaining about my "smell" or "odor", but my mom must love me a lot (or else she has no sense of smell left) because she never could smell it...I thought it was her!  Anyway, I am gorgeous now.  Can hardly wait to go on our walk around town and see the crew at Great Harvest, Mary Lou Zeek Gallery, and Bank of the Cascade..they are probably wondering what happened to me!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thought for the day

                      Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side!

Monday, July 28, 2008

My first friend in Salem remembered

Today we remember Murphy Watson.  Murphy was the first dog I met in Salem.  Murphy's parents, Marla and Jeff, are great friends with my mom...and in fact, it was Marla who suggested that my mom get a dog from the Guide Dogs and encouraged her to get ME when the Guide Dogs called her (she was thinking about waiting after the Session that year).

I arrived home with my mom on Saturday night, and the next day, on Sunday, the Watsons called and wanted to meet me, so we went over to the West Salem Riverfront.  I met this beautiful yellow lab, spirited and ready to show me how to swim in the river!  They had presents for me -- a rug for the car that I still use to this day and other goodies, plus lots of good advice.   Murphy was so kind to me, and we had fun playing.

So, our hearts with lots of prayers go out to the Watsons.  We are thinking of you.   And Murphy...I know you are in the that great place where there are biscuits all day long and lakes to swim in.

One request, please, Murphy....start stockpiling some biscuits for me when I arrive to see you!

We will miss you, dear friend.. you will always be in our thoughts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Kennedy the well known dog

So Mom and I are on our after work walk & swim at Minto Brown, and a man walks by, and says, how old is your dog now?  And she replies...turning 9 on 9/ which he says, "So I have been seeing you for almost 9 years walking around town!!  That dog should be the mayor of the town".  

We did advise him that it was January of 2001 that he has been walking around 7 1/2 years really...but it seemed like a long time for him.

So, it is nice to be noticed and we do appreciate all the nice comments from everyone that sees us.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My mom loves nicknames -- she calls me "Sparky" a lot ...short for "Sparkle", or "my little black bear".  In fact, she has nicknames for a lot of people.  And some have become quite known to the public.  Many years ago, she privately named these two lobbyists who were opposing her "the chipmunks".  She used the "the code word" only to one or two people. Well, low and behold, about towards the end of the legislative session, a person came up and said that the Senate President (Kitzhaber) told them that the "chipmunks" were just in his office!!  

Then, she nicknamed one other lobbyist "Skippy"...and about a month later, was down at the favorite watering hole, and he walked in, and someone at the table said "Hi Skippy" to this man.

And Jim & Mike...we all know she calls them "the terrorists"...
Today, I think I am "stinky"...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

When you cross the street from the Capitol, using the crosswalk, you run right into this!
At the entry to the State Capitol State Park, here is what greets you.. a Kennedy hydrant!
I think I need to (a) clean it up a bitand (b) maybe paint the Kennedy in green letters to stand it out a bit.  I think I will decorate it on my birthday!

blog neglect but not dog neglect

We just read Cousin Megan's blog and she titled her entry "blog neglect" and we must have got the "disease" too...perhaps it is the "dog days" of summer.   Nothing exciting has happened and it is just "hot", so my friends are not there at dog park..and when I do go swimming at the end of the day, I need to stay by the shore, so I don't get carried away by the current.  

But I still get my daily treats...Great Harvest, then Mary Lou Zeek's gallery -- where either Mary Lou, Shelley or some summer help..are there to give me this HUGE biscuit everyday and a big bowl of water.  I run down the street when we turn the corner.  

We did "solve the problem" of the State Capitol State Park.  I DO have a marker there with my name on it.  It has been there all the time, but I think I need to decorate it so it shows KENNEDY more.  I will post the picture.  

And, I hate to complain, but Megan and Curtis gave ME 3 pink cookies, I ate one then and then mom put 2 in the freezer.  Well...for some reason, the other day, there was only one left. I think she ate one in the middle of the night while I was not looking!!  

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hotsy Totsy

Since it is going to be a "scorcher" today, we went on our walk earlier -- whch means we see different people.  Today I saw Chief Justice Paul DeMuniz...what a nice man he is, a pillar of the community.  He chatted with he wears those long black robes, so he understands what I go through.

The next block, the barbershop was open and I walked right in and was getting ready to plop down, when Mike the barber said .."Kennedy, there are about 5 guys ahead of you".  Mom has been talking about a "cut and shave" for me, and I have not seen any appointments yet on the calendar, so I thought today was a good day to "get it done"!!  I would not leave the barber had to drag me out of there (i.e. bribe me with a cookie).  

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Check up today

Check up day is always a little scary.  First the weight in, with this huge scale.  Then all the probing and looking in my ears.  Last night at dog park, mom told someone we were going to have to walk all night long for the big weigh in today I closed my eyes and jumped on the scale...and I weighed 105!!!!  I've lost 8 lbs.  Even after going for ice cream this month!  My ears looked good and no bumps on my legs!  

I have been walking extra hard at dog park, so I will try to get to 99 lbs, my goal weight.  Since I am turning 9 on 9/9...I want to weigh 99 lbs that day.  Shoot for the nines!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kennedy State Park

I have been walking through this park outside the front of the Capitol for seven years now.  Daily. (not counting Sat or Sun).  All of a sudden, "they" named the Park:  State Capitol State Park.  Now, isn't that a redundant name for a park????

About a month ago, I saw them put the sign up...and they were laying the concrete for it....I was right there, ready to put my paw print it, when Bruce the State Gardener stopped me.   What a memorial that would have been.  I should have known a ceremony was in the near future...but failed to check the calendar.  A few days later, I saw my friend Sen. Rick and his aide leaving the park...they had just dedicated the park as State Capitol State Park!  I was 3 minutes late from running in and saying "no, is Kennedy State Park" .

As we continue to walk through the "redundant" park every day, we come up with ideas on how to rename this park.  I will take a picture of the current sign.  There is space for "Kennedy", e.g. State Capitol Kennedy State Park...that would break it up a bit.   More on this later.   

Am "styling" now

We have a lot to "blog and brag" about.  First of all, I have a new red Coach collar which is so beautiful and I look so good in has been the topic of conversation amongst the Salem crowd when I first wore it a few weeks ago.  Cousins Curtis and Megan gave me this nice collar and boy do I feel "styling" when I wear it.  

The first day I had it on, while walking by the local Starbucks, the group of men I always wave to waved back, and one of them pointed to their neck and signaled a thumbs up!!  Then later, as we were walking through the mall, I passed the Governor, and he said "hey big guy", then said, "nice collar".  I looked up and said, "Coach, of course"!!  

So, thank you Loebs for making me a stylesetter.  I will post a picture, once I get cleaned up and my hair trimmed!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tit for Tat

Our daily "walk around town", also known as "the cookie walk" -- to distinquish between the morning walk with Charlie and the dog park walk with Solomon -- is one of my highlights of the day.  More on the details later, as I will elaborate on the people I meet and greet and funny observations along the way, plus some of my favorite stopping places.

Today, while crossing the street, I see the bank.  They give me cookies (a dog biscuit) I start heading to the bank.  Mom pulls me on the leash and says, "No Kennedy, we have no money for the bank today and so we cannot go into the bank today."  Now, I could care less about this "money" thing (I really do not understand it)..I just want to see the bank crew and moreover "get the biscuit".  I tug the other way..."No, Kennedy...we cannot go in".  A man on the street stops my mom, and says..."go in, they don't care".   Mom is adamant..and we continue our walk.

Now we are at Willamette University, and mom sees the little store and says, "Kennedy, we are going to the little store because I need some candy".  Now, I don't eat candy.  She wants her spice drops.  Well, she did not stop at the bank for my pull her the other way, not going down the steps to the store, and head right for the creek.  No biscuit, no candy.  

So we both learned today...."tit for tat".  Tomorrow, we will probably stop at both the bank and the candy store!!!  

Pink Cookie

 this is a half eaten Nordstrom Pink Cookie!  I found the picture on the computer this morning...what you do not see is me drooling, while my mom is taking a picture ...I am impatiently waiting for her to give me the rest!!  Thank goodness Nordstrom is only making them in the large size for now!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Conquering your fears

Here I am ...back swimming again, after last week's scare.  This is down at MintoBrown...a good place to swim.  In the picture below, I stood and looked at the river for awhile, to assess the situation.  I could see the strong current in the middle, but the shore looked pretty good.  I ran down...and jumped it.  

Back in the Saddle

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorable Memorial Day

We had a bit of a scare on Memorial Day.  After walking around Independence for about an hour, I decided to take a "quickdip" in the River over at Independence Park.  I was barely in the water, by the dock, when all of a sudden, I got caught by the current and was swept way out into the river!

There I was, almost in the middle, my little black head just peeping above the water.  I knew to ride it out...up ahead was a place I thought I can wrangle my way out of the current.  I looked "to shore" and saw my mom "yelling" to people who were docked, but still on the boat.  They said they were prepared to come out and help me.  

All of a sudden, I got out of the current. Now I had to swim to shore, which was pretty far for an old guy like me.  Mom was on the sidelines, yelling "you can do it Kennedy"over and over and over...which spurred me on.  Finally I made it to shore.  Whew!    

So...we went to McDonald's and got an ice cream cone to celebrate!  

Thanks to those nice people in the boat who waited until I got to shore and were willing to help me!  

Monday, May 26, 2008

Guide Dog Mode

Lowe's has become my favorite place to shop.  Yesterday, mom decided we needed some plants, and off we went to Lowe's.  We started in the outside nursery area.  I got into my "guide dog mode"and walked right next to her.  She then went to the check out counter....WHAT, I thought??  She is missing some things that we need at the house!!  

I started pulling her the other way, into the main store.  "Kennedy, no" she said.  I gave her "the look"...gawds..she has been talking about the "portable hose" all week.  I remained steadfast.  Finally, she says.."Oh, Kennedy, you are so right...we do need to go into the main store" off we went, and I made her walk EVERY aisle to make sure she did not forget anything!! 

Living with "old people"....I am exhausted.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Yes, those are my initials...Kennedy Kirby Buck.  I want to spend some time and let you know of my FIRST FAMILY, the Kirbys.  They were -- and still are -- wonderful to me.  As most of you know, I aspired to become a guide dog for the blind at an early age.  Megan Kirby, along with her mom, Linda, had me as their 4-H project.  Megan was my trainer, teacher, and best friend.  They taught me well.  Mike, the father, use to rub my ears at night and Adam, the son and brother, taught me to RUN..yes,  I did run in those early years.  

Soon, when I learn to scan, I will post some pictures of me from my early days!  What a stud I was.  I even came to Salem a few times in those early days, not ever realizing I would end up here!  

Mostly, I want to give kudos to my First Family...for raising me to be such a GREAT companion. A few years ago, I was able to spend a few nights with the Kirbys -- so many great remembrances...and they even come down to Salem and visit me.  So, thank you Kirbys!!  I think of you often and my mom and I talk about you all the time on our daily walks.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Good day for a swim

I have gotten sidetracked with all the activities going on (mainly babies) and forgot to mention my best friend and cousin Charlie!!  Here we are swimming one Sunday after church.  (I love the doughnuts at Church!)  Charlie doesn't swim, but that's okay with me.  I coaxed him into the water, to at least get his ankles wet, because that cools down your whole body.  More on Charlie and me later. Plus, I will add some of my other friends from Dog Park-- especially Solomon who I have been trying to teach how to swim for about 5 or 6 years now.  

Monday, May 12, 2008


Here I am at Willamette University on Sunday.  About 3:00 p.m. I am at Aunt Patty & John's, I realize...I am suppose to be at WU getting my doctorate.  So, I left and started hitchhiking to Salem.  Then I heard everyone yelling in the neighborhood for me, so I thought I better get back to the Uffelman yard.  
So, we finally made it down to Salem, in time for the doctorate degree... I was so thrilled to walk across the stage.   

Busy Weekend

   I "felt the love" this weekend!  Wedding, mothers' day, and all these places in Portland where people had not seen me for awhile (i.e the Nordstrom Pink Cookie window).   Here I am at the annual Doggie Dash in Portland, down at the waterfront.  Well, actually, I got there too late...(thankfully)...but there were lots of booths with free food, and all these dogs...greta dogs, cori dogs, & crazy maizies in all shapes & sizes.  Most had t-shirts on, and lots had their race "numbers" on.  So...everyone...I have an IDEA.  Next year, we will all enter together as the "Four Letter Clan"  (Loeb, Buck, Mack)...tied together and run this race and WIN!!  

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here is my Graduation picture!

My credentials

After I posted my seminars, I received a "bark" from someone, asking for my credentials.   I was saving this for early May...but I will now let "the cat" out of the bag.  I am receiving my doctorate from Willamette next month!!!  My graduation picture just came.

For the past seven years, I have walked through Willamette University every day, including the summer months.  You probably do not realize the degrees I have been getting every May:
BA degree 2005
Masters 2006
Law degree 2007 (walked through both law school and undergraduate for 4 years)
And this year, my doctorate!

"Dr. K" -- but you can still call me Kennedy!

Cousin Dog Seminar: Mastering the Master

Since the creation of my blog, I have heard --not only from my relatives -- but others on the wonderful life I have created for myself.  You can have it too!

I can teach you, in a few sessions, how to control your master.  Put the guilt trip on them.  Train them to think YOU are their existence.  The following seminars will be available soon:

101 Licking the beaters AND the bowl
202  How to Get Treats in the Middle of the Night
303  Ordering Pink Frosted Cookies at the Nordstrom Window
404  Do what YOU want to do when YOU want to do it

Turn your life around!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

So, by the way, Uncle Mike...where is the FUR HAT?  Now that it is can keep it, but since I am getting a little gray around the winter I will need it.  I understand my gray will still show around the muzzle..but it will be a diversion...( in other bark (words), people will notice the hat, not the gray).  Oh...I bet YOU are using it for that. 

Well, for some reason, trying to post the swimming picture, the hat picture popped I diverse.  


April 14, 2008

Well, it has taken my mom all this time to update MY BLOG and figure out how things work here in Blogland.  I guess I need to give her a break though, as she is very good about getting my biscotti every work day and getting up 3x a night to fill my water dish and give me treats when I sit by her bedside and whine.  

Yesterday we went to a new dog park in Salem ...actually north of Salem in Keizer.  I went there with Auntie A and cousin Charlie, a standard black poodle.  Will post pictures later.