Happy, happy THIRD birthday, Jack!! What a lovable creature...here he is with his "toy of the moment" -- Blossom! Lots of love!!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Jack and kids
Another one of those "heartwarming" stories to tell about the wonderful Jack. Last night at the park, there was an autistic child, and Jack ran up to him and played very nicely with him for about 20 minutes, was very patient when he threw the ball and just wanted to follow him around.
Needless to say, the mother was VERY appreciative, since she was on the phone with the doctor's office as Jack and I played with the 12 year old boy. I was soooo proud of my Jack !!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Jack's Thoughtfullness
It is getting COLD in the house at night...but so far have not had to turn on the heat yet -- which actually is a RARE occurrence on River Road, as everyone knows that visits. (The furnace man last year said he has never seen such a clean furnace!!)
So...much to my surprise at 3:00 a.m., when I let Jack out to do his "business"... he came back with a large chunk of wood and promptly laid it on top of me. Must be a hint to start the furnace!
What a darling, thoughtful creature..he continues to amaze me!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hey Jack! Swimming finally!
Hey Jack, it's me Kennedy and I have Max here with us too...weighing in on you finally swimming in the river, right outside your bedroom door! Boy, it sure has taken YOU a long time to finally "get permission" to run down to the river and take a swim! Mom has finally "loosened the lead" on you...but she still goes down to the river WITH you, and you do wait for her, which is probably a good thing.
Max says he remembered being let out of car at the farmgate, and he would get in the river there and swim on home! He has lots of other stories, which we will share later -- like jumping on the countertops, etc. But, we are glad you FINALLY learned how to lick the bowl clean after cookie making....that took some time too!
Glad you are having such a fun summer...Max says he ncver went to Minto 2x a day and never got to go to the office...so he thinks you and I had it pretty good! But you are a great ball catcher and swimmer, we admire your athletic skills. xxoo
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dear Kennedy:
Did you and Poppy see ME this weekend, styling in the convertible?? Mom had her reunion in Portland, and since it was soooo hot, Aunt Patty took care of me for awhile and I got to ride in the front seat of her BMW convertible...with the top down! I loved it! Mom said that I and Patty looked really cool, driving downtown! Wish we had a picture.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jack's friend Babette
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My Jack
My little Jack....confident, eager to please, patient, fun and funny!, I could go on an on.
In the mornings, he waits for me to wake up, and then calmly lays there until I am dressed and ready to go. Then, he goes over to his "bin of toys" and looks around for a minute or two, trying to decide "which little buddy" to take to the office that day! We go to Minto, to play with Kate and Chumley, his two larger black friends! Then off to the office, where we go on a noon walk and then to Minto Brown after work.
What do I love most about Jack? Countless little things...the way he can assess a situation, and if he does not like it, will remove himself from the scene. How good he is around small children. How protective he is at the office of any noises. How he knows exactly the boundaries at home, how far down the driveway he can go. How he curls up and likes to lay his head on me when he first goes to sleep. How he remembers all his human friends and how nice he is to everyone, from the "beggers" on the street to the "shop owners" downtown that he sees everyday..he is soooo excited to see everyone at the law firm everyday too. Very atheletic -- he has won every tug of war game he has played . How he comes up and gives me a kiss after his nightly meal. And Kennedy -- I can leave butter out on the counter to soften without Jack jumping up and getting it!!! I could go on and on..but it is time now to go to the park and swim...you should see his running Bellyflops into the water...adorable!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
One year!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Today we remember Kennedy
A full year has gone by....and we still miss our wonderful, loving Kennedy -- my first dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind. I remember picking up Patty and we drove out to Boring to get him. Kennedy was a "free spirit" at dog park, usually following his own "course" at Minto. Everyone loved him, he was so good natured, although he did like to "hump" other dogs -- and since his name was "Kennedy", EVERYONE gave him a "free pass"! The boys at the Nordstrom Cafe Window downtown Portland loved him...and would always say "hey Kennedy, pink cookie time" and we would have to stop and get one of those scrumptious Pink Cookie. (my friend Kelly brought him 2 cookies on his final day..his last food he gulped down!)... Kenendy could find "the Great Harvest" store in any city....we were walking in Bend one day, when Kennedy was leading me around, and he just stopped -- lo and behold, he led to the Great Harvest in Bend. He was a joy to be with and I loved him so much.
About a week before he passed, I was "taking a tub" one Sunday evening before nightfall and I heard him barking outside...I toweled off, and went outside, and two boys in a rowboat were struggling on the river...(no life vests, no shoes)...I finally convinced them to get over to my side of the river...which they finally did. I am convinced Kennedy's barking saved their lives, as they had missed where they were suppose to have taken out...and it was getting dark.
Kennedy..I know you and Poppy are together and watch Jack & I play everyday...we love you both and think of you two constantly xxooj
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Dear Kennedy...in the mornings, I am really good and try not to wake mom up, so I notice she is awake and so I crawl towards her...she is rubbing my tummy, when she sees these 2 HUGE deer outside the window. Not wanting to disturb me, thinking I might run towards the window and break it, she keeps silent -- the deer finally leave and she goes outside -- to see all her tomatoes and lettuce plants have been eaten!!
So, I think I should have been more aware and barked off those deer. My one year anniversary of being with her is coming up...I hope we don't make a trip to Boring!! So..that was the beginning of our frustrating day.
Today....though....she bought a new washing machine, so clean bedcovers are finally in our future! A TOP LOADER -- no more fancy machines. Now...the only thing left is to get the HUGE fir tree cut down so we have TV.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Frustration continues
Dear Kennedy....and then on our walk, it started pouring down rain, we did not have our raincoats with us....and we got soaked....and now it is sunny. I think we will be "offline" all day long...we would go home and watch TV, but that it is "another subject".....a HUGE tree is in the way of all of our favorite shows...so we need to get someone to cut it down. And then, our washing machine broke down -- and mom will not "put one more dime" into that "bleep bleep"...so that is adding to our "off line" day.
Dear Kennedy...we are at work, and mom is extremely frustrated. It is called "offline" and she is slamming the computer door shut, and almost in tears over a dual sided project she has to get finished. We are late for our walk.....and to top it all off, the deer ate ALL of our tomato plants and lettuce. More on that later..... (I think she might be upset with me, because I was not on the "deer watch"....So, when a day starts being "offline", I think you need to go to the park and stay online" there!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Past Loves and Current Loves
Dear All My Dogs I Have Loved -- and it is all of you, so equally. Someone asked me, who is or was your favorite...and it is all of them!! Each one had (has) such a personality all to themselves. I have been blessed with having the best...and really could not chose just one! Some day I will write my favorite memory of each one.
Monday, May 31, 2010
My official portrait
Friday, May 28, 2010
Puppyfest 2010
Puppyfest 2010....named with the date, so we will have yearly events...and see how much everyone has grown. Here is a picture of all of us ...all acquired by the owners within the last year! What fun we had. It was at our home. See how wild all of them are, except for me! Our next function will be at Magoos Bar next Wednesday as it is Salem's first Wednesday for dogs...Am hoping everyone comes!
Lots of love, I know you and Poppy were watching us! xxoojack
Monday, May 24, 2010
Rock Hounds!
Dear Kennedy:
Here are my three morning friends at Minto Brown...Kate, Me, and Chumley...we love to play and run and JUMP ROCKS!! Thanks to JB, for teaching us how to jump on the rocks. We even do it without treats now.
Kate and Chumley like to "roll me", since I am the one with the tennis balls! They love to attach me and get me to drop the ball, so they can steal it and we all play chase.
I look forward to every morning with them...and glad they include me in their romp!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Too busy to blog
Dear Kennedy...you probably have been wondering WHAT we have been doing, since it has been so long since we have blogged. Here I am with my latest "toy"...the chinese Warrior. I love it...and have not broken it yet. We hosted the "Puppyfest 2010" at our home last week..lots of uncontrollable and naughty puppies...!!! Actually, they were all pretty cute - most were under 1 year of age...so I had to show them how to behave. There were 2 photographers there..but we have not seen any pictures yet. Mom put dog cookies on the dining room table, and these puppies jumped on the table and ate them!! Wow..NG, we call it (not good!). It was a fun time and we will post pictures.
Just been swimming and playing..I have a "hurt paw"so have been keeping a low profile! Lots of love to you and Poppy...we are missing you both, coming up on a full year soon without you both, mom is sad....but happy she has me! xxoo
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
More adventures coming soon
Dear Kennedy: I cannot believe my mom has let all this time fly by without writing to you. When mom came back from vacation, the two people she walks with said "we have a surprise for you" and what a surprise it was....Chumley, one of my best buddies in the morning group, had learned to jump up on the rock. I was shocked that big, lumbering Chum could do it!! And he just jumps up, even without JB telling him to do so
So, now, all 3 of us jump up on the same rock -- but it has to be a BIG rock, since my other 2 dog friends are pretty big. But we have done it..right now, we have to get the picture taken fast. WE are called "the Rockhounds" and we are going to try to submit the picture to the newspaper! Mom thinks we need a good camera person, since we are all black..she says photographing black dogs is hard. But I know we will get it done! So look for a picture soon!
I love my mornings with Chumley and Kate...and my afternoons with the Golden Retriever gang.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Rock climbing at the park and at Nordstrom too!
Here I am rock climbing at Minto Brown..this is only a medium size rock and I can make it to bigger rocks....and larger platforms areas too -- as I exhibited today. Mom and I were walking by Nordstrom and the loading dock was open and the stock room girl said hi to me -- so I jumped up the dock, and was just hanging there on the ladder rungs -- mom got me pushed up on the dock -- wow! So, she climbed up and we went through the back area of Nordstrom's and out the front door.
I am not suppose to do that anymore! I know it is hard to visualize the entire scene. I might have to limit my rock climbing to just Minto Brown. My future is bright...I can be a circus animal!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I am so excited for Easter
Dear Kennedy: I am so excited for Easter, I hear all my cousins and aunts and uncles and grammy are coming...I can hardly wait. I really do not know what to expect. I know mom has gone to the grocery store about 3 times, buying Easter candy ..and she keeps going back because it disappears, not that I eat it. Perhaps she is hiding it...??
I am now the "rock climber" and JB (our morning walking mate) has taught me so much...I hope we get a picture soon of me balancing on these rocks. I am running to the lagoon to swim every afternoon too...I am only suppose to go on the weekends, but I sneak down there now in the afternoons. I am getting to be a good diver and swimmer!
looking forward to seeing all the relatives!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Kate (the Great) morning friend
Here is a picture of one of my "morning" friends....Kate! For her second birthday this past weekend, I gave her the "birthday cake toy". Here she is at Minto Brown, where we meet, on this tall rock. Obviously, she has great stomach muscles...and look at those long legs! She is half lab and half Great Dane...boy, can she run fast! The other friend -- which is Kate's best friend -- is Chumley, a giant male Schnauzer. Their birthdays are on the same day and she also got the birthday cake too!!
Isn't she a beauty? She runs so fast and is so elegant.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dear Jack:
It was a nice comment...just continue to be the fun, sociable, and loving companion that you are...so many people comment on you and ask about me still....Salem is a great place to live for you and mom. You have more friends than you know!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
new name
Dear Kennedy:
Yesterday morning at Dog park, this nice man said to me..."Jack, how are you..how is "the talk of the town"? I just wagged my tail...not knowing if that was a good comment or not!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Big football game yesterday...my mom is a BIG fan of Brett Favre...so after the "real" game on TV, we headed to the park, and we played "Brett Favre and Sidney Rice." Who is who??? Of course, mom is the "old white guy" and I am Sidney Rice, the hot black catcher. I am looking for some dredlocks for next week's game...so is anyway has a tip on where I can find some, let me know!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Staying at Dog Park
Dear Kennedy & Poppy....I am glad YOU heard my prayers last night...praying that I could stay at dog park all day long, instead of going to work. This morning, we arrived at dog park, and had a marvelous time playing with Chumley and Kate....! Then we went to the car, and the car battery was DEAD! I was like...my prayers are answered!! We can stay here all day -- yippee!
no such luck. While mom was calling the Hazelbakers at Cascade Tire, JB jumped us and we were on our way to see George Hazelbaker and get our new battery -- 2nd time we have been there all week! Earlier, we had new brakes. Our 2004 Honda is almost all "new" now!
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