My little Jack....confident, eager to please, patient, fun and funny!, I could go on an on.
In the mornings, he waits for me to wake up, and then calmly lays there until I am dressed and ready to go. Then, he goes over to his "bin of toys" and looks around for a minute or two, trying to decide "which little buddy" to take to the office that day! We go to Minto, to play with Kate and Chumley, his two larger black friends! Then off to the office, where we go on a noon walk and then to Minto Brown after work.
What do I love most about Jack? Countless little things...the way he can assess a situation, and if he does not like it, will remove himself from the scene. How good he is around small children. How protective he is at the office of any noises. How he knows exactly the boundaries at home, how far down the driveway he can go. How he curls up and likes to lay his head on me when he first goes to sleep. How he remembers all his human friends and how nice he is to everyone, from the "beggers" on the street to the "shop owners" downtown that he sees everyday..he is soooo excited to see everyone at the law firm everyday too. Very atheletic -- he has won every tug of war game he has played . How he comes up and gives me a kiss after his nightly meal. And Kennedy -- I can leave butter out on the counter to soften without Jack jumping up and getting it!!! I could go on and on..but it is time now to go to the park and swim...you should see his running Bellyflops into the water...adorable!