A full year has gone by....and we still miss our wonderful, loving Kennedy -- my first dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind. I remember picking up Patty and we drove out to Boring to get him. Kennedy was a "free spirit" at dog park, usually following his own "course" at Minto. Everyone loved him, he was so good natured, although he did like to "hump" other dogs -- and since his name was "Kennedy", EVERYONE gave him a "free pass"! The boys at the Nordstrom Cafe Window downtown Portland loved him...and would always say "hey Kennedy, pink cookie time" and we would have to stop and get one of those scrumptious Pink Cookie. (my friend Kelly brought him 2 cookies on his final day..his last food he gulped down!)... Kenendy could find "the Great Harvest" store in any city....we were walking in Bend one day, when Kennedy was leading me around, and he just stopped -- lo and behold, he led to the Great Harvest in Bend. He was a joy to be with and I loved him so much.
About a week before he passed, I was "taking a tub" one Sunday evening before nightfall and I heard him barking outside...I toweled off, and went outside, and two boys in a rowboat were struggling on the river...(no life vests, no shoes)...I finally convinced them to get over to my side of the river...which they finally did. I am convinced Kennedy's barking saved their lives, as they had missed where they were suppose to have taken out...and it was getting dark.
Kennedy..I know you and Poppy are together and watch Jack & I play everyday...we love you both and think of you two constantly xxooj
Kennedy was a guardian angel in real life, and now in eternal life, too. Thinking of you today Joan as you remember your treasured companion.
We miss you and love you Kennedy!
so sweet joan. i can't believe it has been a year.
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